
Started in 2014 we deployed a large scale 3D visual sensing infrastructure in Lisbon’s Airport. Currently with more than 30 depth cameras (3D sensors), became a key technology for queue management in   border control and security checkpoints. Fully developed at SIPg@LarSys was transferred to Thales Group that operates and maintains the infrastructure. It provides high-level analytics, extracting queue operating patterns from visual motion analysis and 3D tracking data. Hinging on sparse data representations and efficient convex optimization algorithms it subsumes part of our f

rontier research: i) low-rank and sparse models with missing data,  ii) large scale optimization algorithms and iii) 2D and 3D computer vision algorithms for tracking and

recognition. This research was published in top journals IEEE-PAMI, several IEEE-CVPR (highest ranked publication in Pattern Recognition) and summarized in IEEE-ITS (archive.org). It contributed strongly to the establishment of Thales’ innovation hub in Lisbon who currently sponsors several of our research projects for “smart-cities” (smartbyke, walkbot, smartcitysense)